Orient Bank

One of the 23 bank branches

Orient Bank

Offering businesses financial services

Orient Bank

Orient bank client, Construction company

Orient Bank

Orient bank client, Coffee company

Orient Bank

Orient bank client, Chemical company

  • 1993Founded
  • 42%8 Miles Ownership
  • 393People Employed
  • US$70mSize of Loan Book
Company Name
Orient Bank Ltd
Financial Services
Investment Type
Investment Year
Q1 2015
Company Website

Orient Bank was founded in 1993 and provides banking, stockbroking and other related financial services to retail, corporate and SME customers in Uganda. With assets of around US$170m, Orient Bank currently has a network of 22 branches in commercial centres across the country and employs over 390 people.

In February 2015, 8 Miles acquired a 42% stake in Orient Bank, alongside a consortium principally comprised of the founders of the bank, by purchasing shares from Keystone Bank, a state-owned Nigerian bank.

8 Miles exited its stake in Q2 2021.


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