Verde Beef

On-site vet

Verde Beef

Maize harvested for feedlot

Verde Beef

Feeding livestock

Verde Beef

Feedlot worker

Verde Beef

Beef ready for export

  • 2014Founded
  • 29%8 Miles Ownership
  • 443People Employed
  • 1,300haSize of Feedlot in Hectares
Company Name
Verde Beef Processing
Investment Type
Growth Capital
Investment Year
Q4 2015
Company Website

8 Miles acquired a stake in Verde Beef Processing in November 2015. The agribusiness was established in 2014 and operates the largest feedlot and beef processing business in Ethiopia, employing more than 400 people.

Verde Beef Processing is situated on a 1,300 ha feedlot and crop-farming facility in Adami Tulu, south of Addis Ababa. The business uses its feedlot facilities to feed and fatten cattle prior to exporting the premium quality Ethiopian beef to the Middle East.

8 Miles exited its stake in Q3 2021.


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